Welcome Friends!
Avery M.

Birth Date - June 02, 2011

Main Diagnosis - Common Variable Immune Deficiency

THEME:  Puppies (for a toddler) and the colors pink and purple

Quilt Deadline: 3/1/2014


Avery was born June 2, 2011. Avery is a sister to 2 big brothers. When she was about a year old, she became very very sick. She was admitted into the hospital and tests were started. We found out in July 2012, Our baby girl had a rare immune deficiency. By Dec. 2012 her health was rapidly declining, we moved forward with treatment.

There are only 2 types of treatment for Avery monthly IVIG or a bone marrow transplant. At the time she was just to sick to even think about a BMT. So we started monthly IVIG January 2013. It has nasty side effects. Meningitis, bone pain, stomach aches just to name a few. The first 6 months were seriously a night mare. We spent every 3 weeks in the hospital for upwards to 5/10 days.We have finally figured out the perfect dose/infusion rate.  Something clicked finally. She spent her birthday in the hospital. She has had "normal" little kid sickness but nothing major requiring hospital admission since then! Knock on Wood. The last couple months, she has been able to do a few normal kid thing like go to the park. Go see the Wiggles Live. 

Our daughter is the strongest, toughest princess we know!! With everything she has been through, she still shows compassion to the kid that has a little scrap on their knee. Still forgives us when we have to torture her in the hospital. She is a amazing little girl!!! We are so thankful we can call her our daughter!!