Welcome Friends!
Isaac T.
Washington State

Birth Date - June 18, 2003

Main Diagnosis - Intractatable Epilepsy from encephalitis

THEME:  Great Outdoors for Washington State, especially camping,campfires,mountains, lakes and rivers, Puget Sound, Space Needle


In 2006, Isaac became very ill from encephalitis. He had contracted the cold sore virus and it attacked his brain. He was unconscious for almost 2 weeks and in that time we were told to expect the worse. When Isaac woke up, he had no idea who we were and could no longer walk or care for himself and so we were sent to inpatient rehab. While there, Isaac came back to us. He started remembering most things and relearned how to walk, use the bathroom and feed himself and we were released into outpatient rehab.

Isaac was on the road to being a normal healthy boy now, but with one major difference, he now has epilepsy. We had tried many medications and all of them either had horrible side effects or didn't work at all. In December of 2012 he had 96 seizures, making that his worst month ever. We decided to try one more medication even though there was only a 1% chance that is would work and also try to get approved for brain surgery. We did a ton of testing and got approved but right when we got the approval, his seizures stopped.

Isaacs new medication is working wonders. He has only had 2 seizures in the past 6 months and the side effects are minimal. We canceled surgery and are hoping and praying that this medicine will continue to work as brain surgery is a very drastic option that we are hoping to avoid. The likeliness of it working forever is slim, but maybe by the time it stops working, a new therapy or treatment, a less invasive one, will be available.

You would not believe the reaction that Isaac had to this amazing quilt! He seriously freaked out over it and tossed every blanket off of his bed so that he could use this one. He ooo'd and awe'd over each and every square, amazed that anyone could do such intricate work... I wish I had the video camera out but we had no idea what would be in the box. Thank you so much!
