Jacob S.

Birth Date -  October 10, 2001

Main Diagnosis -  Common Variable Immunodeficiency and Crohns Disease

THEME:   Patriotic

Jacob's Story

Jacob has CVID (common variable immunodeficiency) and has IVIG therapy every four weeks to give him a temporary immunity. Needless to say, he has no immune system and cannot produce the necessary fighter cells to keep him healthy or fight anything off. He has been getting the IVIG therapy every four weeks and this is time consuming, exhausting and expensive.

He also has Crohns Disease and is on a lot of medication for this including chemotherapy.

Having two illnesses battling each other is a challenge and is difficult keeping him healthy. He does have good days as well. He misses usually 2-3 days of school a week. He has a long way to go and will be battling a lifetime of illness.
"Thank You"

Jacob received his quilt and LOVES it!! We cannot thank you enough for this gift. Please thank all of the ladies that contributed to making this possible. I will have him send a note to you in the upcoming days. Again, thanking you from the bottom of our hearts!!