Birth Date - September 22, 2007

Main Diagnosis - Cerebral Palsy, hydrocephalus, VP shunt, legally blind

THEME:  Princesses, esp. Disney Princesses and the color purple

Quilt Deadline: 2/1/2014


Kylee is 5 years old and in the first grade.  She was born at 27 weeks gestation and has had to overcome many trials in such a short time.  Kylee only weighed 2 pounds and 1 ounce.  At 2 days old she had her first surgery to repair a heart murmur.  She also had grade 3 brain bleeds and was diagnosed with hydrocephalus.  Kylee has had 6 shunt surgeries.  The first 4 was from birth to 10 mons. old., and 2 in 2012.  While in the hospital she acquired several infections in her shunt.  She got spinal meningitis, a staff infection and a rare yeast infection in her shunt.  Kylee was also placed on feeding tube and it is still in place but no tube feedings for the last 5 mons. and she is doing great.  If she is able to maintain her weight it will be able to be removed. 

Kylee was also diagnosed with Spastic Dysplagia Cerebral Palsy at the age of 2.  It effects her legs more so than her arms.  She is able to walk and run with the aide of a walker!!! She also wears AFO's on her feet. 

Kylee is also legally blind but able to see well enough to do all the things she loves to do.  Kylee is an amazing little girl and has brought such joy to our lives.  Kylee's Dr. has nick named her Hope, because she is the perfect example of a Ray of Hope. 

When you sign up to stitch for Love Quilts you will get a confirmation of your sign up.  If your pattern is a duplicate you will be asked to pick another pattern.
We encourage you to join the LoveQuiltsUSA Yahoo group to check the pattern listing for duplications yourself before you sign up.
The lists of patterns already being stitched are posted on the database.  LoveQuiltsUSA is an open group so you can sign up easily and view the patterns right away.  Please follow this link to sign into the Love Quilts Yahoo Group...


Once there click on the link "database" on the right to view the children and their patterns.  Once you find a pattern  that you want to stitch and have confirmed it is not already being stitched  you may return to the sign up form, fill it in and submit it.  If you have any questions about the yahoo group please email, Vicki, for further instructions (yahoo groups email only!)  Thanks!
Kylee N.